It may have been seen about town for a few weeks, but it was with great pleasure that the Bemm River and District Neighbourhood House officially launched its new community bus last Friday.
The neighbourhood house’s treasurer, Jane Cunningham, was pleased to launch the centre’s new second-hand bus at the morning tea celebration.
“As our small rural town is without any sort of public transport, and the closest town with medical and shopping facilities is approximately 60 kilometres away, it is hoped that with the purchasing of this bus we can help our residents, both young and old, to now have better access to these services,” Jane said.
“In addition the bus will be used for social and recreational purposes. “It is hoped that we can get the support of the majority of our residents so as to engage each and every one to remain in their home for longer and stay connected to the wider community.”
Jane said the purchase of the bus was the result many years of fundraising by the committee and members of the community.
“So a very big thank you to everyone, past and present, who have been instrumental in making this possible,” she said.
“However, it does not end there. We are still in the process of sourcing funding through grants and future fundraising to now purchase and construct a new shed to house our little people mover. So please keep an eye out for any up and coming fundraisers we are planning over the next 12 months. Because without your help and support these things will not be achieved.
“This venture would not have been achievable without the whole community working together. A very big thank you for all involved.”
Financial assistance was received from Department of Health and Human Services. The bus purchase also received support from member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, and Dwyers Toyota, Bairnsdale, who assisted with signwriting and light bar installation.
The bus made its inaugural trip with a full busload of ladies attending the Snowy Flamingos High Tea on August 21. It has been out and about since with adventures including a trip to Cann River Neighbourhood House for one of its Wednesday lunches and a shopping trip to Lakes Entrance. It will be heading to the Orbost Flower Show on October 25.
“Here’s to many adventures in our little bus.”
PICTURED: The Bemm River community celebrated the official launch of its community bus with a morning tea last Friday and talk of all the adventures it will take them on.