This year, Orbost Regional Health (ORH) initiated a Community Advisory Committee, with volunteer members of the community meeting every second month.
“It is important that we are always conscious of the impact our decisions will have on the people who are using our health service,” ORH chief executive officer, Vicki Farthing, said.
“The role of the community representatives is to make sure the perspective of our community is included in all of the group’s discussions, decisions and recommendations.”
During February to October the committee provided suggestions for a number of issues they identified.
“We would like to acknowledge ideas they presented that resulted in action,” Ms Farthing said.
Achievements include:
- Consumer representatives participated in care board surveys with patients in Hollands Wing.
- Consumer representatives helped ORH identify priorities to improve patient experience for 2019-2020.
- Improved signage at nurses’ station providing clearer direction for patients and visitors.
- Nurses’ station decluttered, providing a safer work place.
- Improved displays on the quality notice board in the hospital to inform patients, visitors and staff how safe care is provided.
- Improved promotion of how the community can access mental health services.
- Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme information available at Early Years Centre.
- Lakes Entrance Amateur Dramatic Society group gave a performance at Lochiel House following a consumer representative’s offer to organise it.
- Various actions from the ORH Diversity Plan to provide a welcoming environment and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and intersexual people.
“Orbost Regional Health would like to thank the consumers who volunteer their time to attend the meetings and participate in discussions that have led to improvements in quality and safety for our consumers, staff and visitors,” Ms Farthing said.
If you know of anyone who may be interested in joining the committee, or would like to do so yourself, contact ORH’S quality manager.
PICTURED: Orbost Regional Health’s (ORH) Community Advisory Committee is making an impact on the way ORH delivers its services. PICTURED: Volunteer members, Gail Hume, Lillian Bishop, Dot Hulme, Val Pilon, Teresa Royce, Tom Davis and Tracey Barnett. Absent: Athalie Mason.