As the end of March approaches the feel of autumn is in the air and in the leaves.
Toadstools have emerged after receiving their first drop of soft autumn rain. Can you feel it and have almost finished your work of art ready for the Orbost Autumn Festival Community Art Exhibition?
Some entries for this free exhibition have been received but most of the works will be presented at the Orbost Exhibition Centre be-fore 2pm on Friday, March 27. Any medium of art can be displayed free of charge and sold if you like with no commission attached. Many of the schools of East Gippsland are participating and it is expected their work will be as good as last year with flat drawing and painting, collage, three-dimensional, plas-ticine and other mediums. Your work can be all of those things and may include ceramics, needlework, quilting, photography, woodwork or whatever your hobby or profession is. ‘Au-tumn’ is the theme and registration forms can be filled in on the day or can be obtained from neighbourhood houses, art galleries and shire libraries.
Besides the schools and early learning cen-tres, organisers are particularly keen to have works displayed by Lochiel House, Waratah Lodge, Slick Chicks and men’s sheds, any and all abilities and culturally diverse. The more the merrier.
The Orbost Autumn Festival Community Art Exhibition opens on Saturday, March 28 at 11am and continues until Sunday, April 19, when all work needs to be collected. At the same time the postponed National Wood De-sign Exhibition will be displayed, giving everybody the chance to view two exhibitions at the same venue on the same day – although you are always welcome to view across sever-al days as it is open every day and over the Easter period from 9am until 5pm.
Enjoy the spirit of autumn with the Orbost Autumn Festival Community Art Exhibition. Join in the fun and the autumn spirit.
IMAGE: Artworks of all mediums are being accepted for the upcoming Orbost Autumn Festival Community Art Exhibition, which will be on show at the same time as the postponed National Wood Design Exhibition, from March 28 to April 19. (PS)