The challenge of raising educational achievement levels in the Orbost district offers a significant innovation opportunity, according to Orbost and District Future Economy Project manager, Tim Cotter.
He says the relative physical remoteness requires rethinking typical educational provision.
“This is occurring already with the announcement for a P-12 campus in Orbost and earlier thinking about a ‘13+’ learning facility which would provide for enhanced education and training opportunities,” he said.
“Current thinking could be extended to consider a range of offerings that spanned Certificate 2 to Bachelor programs, in areas relevant to emerging local enterprises.
“The facility could be supported by the Department of Education and Training, TAFE Gippsland and Federation University. Students would be enrolled in appropriate programs, with specialist material available online, supplemented by personal learning support for the mix of programs that would be available.”
IMAGE: Leeanne Robinson, Peter Seal and Jo Dacy-Broome discuss the announcement for a P-12 campus in Orbost. This facility coincides with the earlier thinking about a +13 learning facility which would provide enhanced education and training opportunities in the Orbost district. (PS)