After it was revealed the plan to create a seed nursery in Nowa Nowa had been scrapped, VicForests has signed a lease agreement with East Gippsland Water to build a new State Forest Nursery in Bairnsdale.
Orbost and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ODCCI) secretary, Garry Squires, has expressed disappointment following the decision.
“VicForests have chosen to build the seedling nursery in Bairnsdale without any consideration for where the major job losses will occur in East Gippsland as a result of the planned timber industry closure,” Mr Squires said.
“Clearly Orbost is the town where the job losses will be the highest in East Gippsland, and yet VicForests have made no contact with key community groups including the ODCCI, the Orbost and District Community Recovery and Transition committee nor the Future of Orbost Project committee to discuss the possibility of locating the nursery in the Orbost district.
“The district is crying out for future employment opportunities and the nursery seems to be an opportunity lost.
IMAGE: VicForests has signed a lease agreement with East Gippsland Water to build a new seed nursery in Bairnsdale, leaving the proposed Nowa Nowa site (pictured) empty. K191 – 5216