Experienced bushman, John Mulligan, is concerned bushfires even more devastating than 2019/2020’s Black Summer are just around the corner if change to management doesn’t occur soon.
Mr Mulligan, a member of the Howitt Society, a group of forestry experts, says the current situation is “dire”.
Born and raised in Mallacoota in his early days, he experienced life on the land and was a former owner of the now non-existent Gipsy Point Hotel during which time he conducted tours of the local area and has a wealth of knowledge.
He has observed changes to the bush of East Gippsland, particularly concerning life and bushfire over many years, saying mismanagement has left the region on the edge of even more significant fires in coming years.
Mr Mulligan’s sentiments are not new – in late 2021 the Howitt Society, whose members are made up of scientists, foresters, and experienced land and fire managers, called on the State Government and their associated agencies to implement serious fuel reduction burns across the East Gippsland landscape, saying the bush faced “an immediate, intensifying and ultimately existential threat from large, high-intensity wildfire”.
In a letter to Premier Daniel Andrews following the Black Summer Bushfires, Mr Mulligan wrote he was “appalled” at how the bushland had changed “from the open and park like forests of my youth to the mess and burnt forests we have today”.
IMAGE: Experienced bushman, John Mulligan, is concerned bushfires even more devastating than 2019/2020’s Black Summer are just around the corner if change to management doesn’t occur soon.