Ten-year-old Marlo boy, Victor Albon, wrote his own report on the football match on Saturday, August 3, 2024, when the Orbost Snowy Rovers took on Stratford at Lochiel Park.
His report is as follows:
I went to the footy on Saturday, Orbost vs Stratford.
I went with my dad and my grandfather.
It was a sunny day with no rain and wind and Orbost’s home ground looked good with only a little bit of mud.
There were a lot of people there.
Before the match I met the Orbost captain, Hamish, and he was very friendly and I wished him good luck.
I sat down at the fence to watch the play, it was exciting with lots of bumps and big marks and good kicking.
I think the umpires were good, but some people called out and it was funny.
We had some cakes and drinks at half time and had a kick on the ground.
For most of the match the scores were close but in the third quarter Orbost got going and kicked a lot of goals.
It was too many for Stratford and Orbost won by 17 points and so now Orbost are a good chance to go into the finals.
Go Orbost you are well worth watching, the whole town should come and watch the Orbost Snowy Rovers and don’t forget the netball players.
It was a great afternoon!
Vic Albon.