FEBRUARY 1/2, 2020: Cape Conran Cabins burn down in the 2019/20 Black Summer Bushfires.
JULY 1, 2020: Orbost District Chamber of Commerce briefed regarding the progress of restoration works at Cape Conran. Fire-damaged facilities at Cape Conran were scheduled to be reinstated by September 2020.
AUGUST 26, 2020: State Government releases bushfire recovery plan, including $7.15 million allocated to infrastructure at Cape Conran to get it ready for the Christmas holidays.
MARCH 3, 2021: Parks Victoria seeks input to the rebuild of the Cape Conran accommodation.
MAY 12, 2021: 17+ locations remain closed 16 months after the Black Summer Bushfires, including the Cape Conran boardwalk and Cabins.
OCTOBER 6, 2021: Parks Victoria engages local contractor to construct 10 new cabins at Banksia Bluff to replace and add to the remaining cabins.
JANUARY 12, 2022: The State Government makes claims it has reopened every recreation site impacted by the Black Summer Bushfires, despite multiple sites, including the Cape Conran Cabins, not being rebuilt.
FEBRUARY 16, 2022: The project to construct new cabins in Cape Conran gets underway.
FEBRUARY 23, 2022: Members of Orbost and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry raise concerns regarding the number of cabins being built at Cape Conran.
MAY 25, 2022: Parks Victoria confirms the four original cabins at Cape Conran would be decommissioned as they had reached the end of their serviceable life and no longer meet safety, accessibility and bushfire compliance standards.
JUNE 16, 2022: Cabin rebuild halted – works may have impacted on a registered Aboriginal place.
JUNE 22, 2022: The State Government confirms less roofed accommodation will be delivered at Cape Conran that what existed pre-fire.
AUGUST 23, 2023: Cape Conran Cabin rebuild scheduled to be complete in 17 months time, in December 2024, with work to recommence by Christmas 2023.
MARCH 6, 2024: Local MP, Tim Bull, raises fast tracking bushfire recovery projects in Parliament.
MARCH 14, 2024: Labor refuses a request by Tim Bull to have an inquiry into what is causing delays to bushfire recovery projects, including the Cape Conran Cabins.
MARCH 28, 2024: The East Cape Boardwalk reopens after it was originally expected to be completed by Christmas 2020.