Gippsland motorists are being short-changed by the Albanese Government’s decision to cease funding regional road projects on an 80-20 basis, according to Federal MP Darren Chester.
Mr Chester said it was ‘hypocritical and offensive’ for the Labor Party to put in place different rules for each state and Victorians were being ‘ripped off’ by the move.
“Under the Coalition Government, major projects like the Traralgon to Sale duplication of the Princes Highway received 80 per cent of the money from the Federal Government, with the State Government required to contribute 20 per cent,” Mr Chester explained.
“We would never have completed this project if we didn’t receive 80 per cent of the money from the former Coalition Government.
“Now that the Albanese Government is requiring a 50-50 funding split in Victoria, it will make it impossible to encourage Melbourne-focused State Ministers to consider major regional projects.
“But the problem is made worse by the hypocrisy of the Prime Minister and his Transport Minister Catherine King, who have agreed to still fund projects like the Bruce Highway in Queensland on an 80-20 basis.
“It’s staggering that a regionally-based Victorian Minister like Ms King would sign off on this offensive rip-off which treats regional motorists differently on the basis of the state they live in.”
Mr Chester has called on the State Government to fight for a better deal for regional Victorians.
“Shadow Minister Bridget McKenzie has made it clear that The Nationals continue to support an 80-20 funding split for major transport projects in regional areas. Surely the Allan Government will stand up and fight for regional road projects in Victoria to receive an 80 per cent funding deal, just like Queensland,” Mr Chester said.
“At a time when regional road trauma is continuing to rise, and the arterial road network is falling apart, we can’t afford to see less money from Canberra making its way to Gippsland and other parts of regional Victoria.
“The Premier needs to fight for a fair deal for regional Victorian road users and demand the reinstatement of the 80-20 funding arrangements which were so successful under the previous Coalition Government.”