East Gippsland Learn Locals are supporting adult learners to succeed at employment and further study pathways.
In term one the Orbost Education Centre Learn Local is featuring the “Get ready for work: Early Childhood Education” course.
Learn Locals provide Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE) to East Gipplanders in Paynesville, Buchan, Orbost and Mallacoota and surrounding communities.
The demand for staff in the Early Childhood Education space across East Gippsland is growing.
“Working in the Early Childhood Education sector is a rewarding profession and in Orbost we are keen to provide opportunities for people interested in working with young children and families, to develop skills in the sector and start a new career,” said Merralyn Barnes from the Orbost Education Centre.
Merralyn said Learn Locals were committed to supporting and guiding East Gippslanders through flexible and accessible learning programs in 2025.
This includes the new, industry supported “Get ready for work: Early Childhood Education” course in partnership with East Gippsland Shire and the Gippsland East Local Learning and Employment Network.
“Learn Local learners are supported to actively participate throughout their training,” Ms Barnes said.
“With small class sizes, safe and flexible learning environments and a connection to real jobs with local employers.”
Learn Locals offer courses that are designed to help students gain the confidence and skills needed to look for a job or go on to further study.
Orbost Education Centre will be offering its “Get ready for work: Early Childhood Education” course in term one in 2025 kicking off with a course information session on Monday, February 17, 10–11.30am – morning tea provided.
Come along to the info session to find out more and see if this is the opportunity for you.
The general course content includes industry connections and guest speakers, a focus on employability skills, support with resumes and interview skills and pathways into TAFE.
Expressions of interest are being taken now at the Orbost Education Centre.
Anyone interested in the “Get ready for work” programs in East Gippsland can contact the Learn Local closest to them for more information.