Herd Solutions is a family-run livestock only veterinary business operating in the Bairnsdale and Stratford areas.
It provides not only a comprehensive veterinary service (pregnancy diagnosis, disease investigations, emergency care), but also incorporates a consultancy service in planning and nutrition to assist livestock producers in optimising efficiency within their livestock businesses – whether that be beef, dairy or sheep production.
The team consists of Dr Alison Gunn and Dr Chelsea Hair – both highly experienced ruminant practitioners who were trained under the late Jakob Malmo, an internationally renowned cattle specialist.
One of the most popular services Herd Solutions provides is the Veterinary Bull Breeding and Soundness Exam (VBBSE) – with more than 300 bulls examined each year.
An annual VBBSE can provide valuable information to help plan your joining, as well as peace of mind that when bulls are put out to join, they are up to the task at hand.
Bull testing is essential if you plan on using any new bulls, especially if they are yearlings and may not have reached puberty.
A VBBSE is extremely comprehensive, with a general physical exam, crush side semen test and semen morphology test sent to an external laboratory.
Herd Solutions also assists with bull selection to ensure producers have a comprehensive understanding of both Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) and physical attributes so that the bulls they purchase are appropriate for their business goals.
Herd Solutions can also assist producers with planning joining in management groups, so that the likelihood of bull breakdown is minimised, as it understands how much of an investment bull power to a livestock business is.