100th flower show needs you

100th flower show needs you

The 100th St Andrew’s Uniting Church Flower Show is fast approaching and needs the whole of the Orbost community to be involved in the celebration.

Held over two days on October 25 and 26, there is plenty of scope for people of all ages and skills to take part.

There are many sections for adults to enter - 20 sections of roses of all colours and varieties and 30 sections for other cut flowers, including foliage and shrubs.

Have a look in your garden – you’re sure to be able to enter something.

There are also 10 sections for floral art (arrangements) including one section called ‘Solitary Splendour’, which features one flower with foliage.

Perhaps you are a beginner or novice with this work - there is a section for you entitled, ‘Floral celebration’. Finally, there are five sections for pot plants, including succulents, ferns and pot plants in bloom.

Read all about these possibilities in this year’s schedule, which is gold in colour and available at the Snowy River Mail office, Kingfruit, Dickens, Bell’s Concrete and Garden Centre, and the Orbost Library.

In this schedule there are many handy hints on how to present your entries, what the judges look for and ideas for arrangements.

There are also many sections for students to enter with one hall devoted to the arrangements and artwork from students of all ages.

Entries will be received at St Andrew’s Hall from 5 to 7pm on Thursday, October 24, and between 7.30 and 8.45am on Friday,

October 25. Judging will then take place until 11am on Saturday, October 25, when the official opening will be held.

Everyone is encouraged to be a part of this wonderful 100th celebration, a century since the first competitive flower show was held in 1920, so give your thirsty plants a drink and enter them in the show.


To coincide with the 100th year celebration of the Uniting Church Flower Show, a rededication ceremony of restored plaques will be held on Friday, October 25, at 3pm.

The plaques have been restored to their former glory by their original maker and are to the memory of Trooper James Pullar Cameron, who lost his life at Gallipoli, and Doctor James Kerr, the first medical doctor in Orbost.

The ceremony will be conducted by Orbost RSL chaplain, the Rev Bevil Lunson. An invitation is offered to all who would like to attend. Contact Val Thorpe if further information is required on 5154 2803.

PICTURED: Could your floral celebration be a winner at this year’s St Andrew’s Uniting Church Flower Show?
