Chief Commissioner of Police, Graham Ashton, has walked across East Gippsland in the past week and a half. He left Mallacoota last Monday morning headed for Wangaratta where he will arrive on October 23 and meet up with fellow walker, Police Association of Victoria secretary (TPAV), Wayne Gatt, who set off at the same time from Mildura.
It is all part of the Head to Head Walk, which aims to raise funds and awareness for police mental health. The pair will together walk a combined 1000 kilometres on foot.
Along the way Chief Commissioner Ashton and his team have visited Mallacoota, Cann River and Orbost police stations and participated in community events in Mallacoota and Orbost as well as a rest day in Marlo where they were treated to country hospitality at the Marlo Hotel for another fundraising event for the cause.
Following the Orbost gathering on Sunday, the walkers headed off once again up and over the mountains with more community events in Ensay and Omeo this weekend.
To learn more about the Head to Head Walk and to support it by making a donation, visit Head to Head Fundraising Walk online.
PICTURED: Four-year-old Will Jenkins was thrilled to be able to try out one of the police motorcycles.