Despite two accidents taking fire brigade members and vehicles away from the collection action, more than $12,200 was collected for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal around the Orbost, Newmerella and Marlo areas last Friday.
With volunteers ferried about in private vehicles instead of the impressive fire trucks when they were called away to attend to the incidents, some may have missed out on dropping a coin in the collectors’ tins as they passed about town.
“If they didn’t call in your street and you still wish to donate there is a Good Friday tin at the Orbost Newsagency,” collection coordinator, Judy Farley said.
Judy said “50-odd” volunteers from the three brigades volunteered to collect, the total at the end of counting being $12,233.15, with more to come in via tins in local shops. About $3000 a year is collected via the tins that are left year round in shops.
The local fire brigades are vital for the ongoing success of the annual appeal.
“A big thank you to the Orbost, Marlo and Newmeralla fire brigades, we couldn’t do it without your help,” Judy said.
“Thank you to our counters, Christine Eaton, Annette Farley, Macey Robinson, Alison Farley, Kirsty Marshall, and Gina Helmers, as well as Bev Farley, who coordinates catering. Bev also has a real knack for opening the money tins.
“And of course thank you to all those who rattled the tins and to everyone who donated.”
PICTURED: Chantelle Parsons (right) was happy to donate to the cause when volunteer collectors, Jobey (10) and Chelsey (11) Wade dropped by.