The Inspector-General for Emergency Management this week postponed six Fire Season Inquiry community meetings scheduled for the Far East from Monday through to today in accordance with COVID-19 lockdowns.
Victoria’s Inspector-General for Emergency Management, Tony Pearce, is leading the independent Inquiry into the 2019/20 Victorian Fire Season, which is now focusing on the relief and recovery efforts provided in response to fires in large parts of Victoria’s North East, East Gippsland, and Alpine regions.
Mr Pearce was to be visiting fire-affected communities in East Gippsland during the next two weeks offering a range of community meetings and informal drop-in sessions.
However the following six meetings will now be rescheduled: Orbost – Monday, February 15; 6pm; Orbost – Tuesday, February 16, small business owners/operators; Cabbage Tree Creek – Tuesday, February 16; Mallacoota, Tuesday, February 16; Genoa – Wednesday, February 17; Wairewa – Wednesday, February 17.
The Inspector-General will do everything possible to make alternative arrangements for these six community meetings and details once available will be made accessible through the Inspector General website.
“Now more than 12 months since these devastating fires, it’s appropriate for the Fire Season Inquiry’s second and final phase to focus on individual and community experiences of recovery,” Mr Pearce said.
In an emergency management context, recovery after a bushfire can refer to the services provided to help people rebuild their homes, lives, community, and the environment; and to strengthen their ability to cope with future emergencies.
Mr Pearce also acknowledges that for many, recovery can be a long-term process and that as time goes on, people’s experience of recovery may change.
“Recovery from an emergency – like a bushfire – is different for everyone,” Mr Pearce said.
“It is really important for the inquiry to understand what’s working and what could be improved and whether anything has changed for a fire-affected community – including the impact of COVID-19 restrictions.
“Working with local representatives, community recovery committees and local government, we’re able to offer convenient and safe opportunities for people to meet with me and share their recovery journey.”
For anyone unable to attend a meeting, people can provide a submission, take the inquiry’s survey, or request a phone interview until March 30, 2021.
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