The Future of Orbost and District Project continues its progress with the team of expert academic facilitators visiting the region last week to engage with local businesses, government officials, education and community representatives.
Professor Bruce Wilson, from RMIT University, was joined by colleague, Chloe Ward, and the University of Melbourne’s Marian Schoen and Catherine Pickett.
Alongside local project leader, Tim Cotter, the team travelled the district conducting interviews to tap into the local assets and opportunities as part of their continuing context analysis work.
The trip culminated in a networking night held at the Orbost Club last Thursday night with local project participants joined by Latrobe Valley Authority chief executive officer, Karen Cain, and director of economic development, Mike Timpano, East Gippsland Shire Council CEO, Anthony Basford, mayor Cr Mendy Urie, deputy mayor Cr Mark Reeves, Cr Arthur Allen and Cr Tom Crook.
“An update on the project was provided on the evening along with two entertaining and informative question and answer sessions with Sallie Jones and Steve Ronalds from Gippsland Jersey and local dairy farmer, Alistair Steel, providing an insight into his newly installed four-unit robotic dairy on the Marlo Road,” Mr Cotter said.
“The project is moving to finalise the context analysis phase over the coming weeks which aims to identify the region’s strengths and comparative and competitive assets.
“The next engagement piece will incorporate a series of entrepreneurial discovery workshops to test the growth potential of opportunities with a diversity of regional stakeholders and content experts.”
IMAGE: Project Officer of The Future of Orbost Project, Tim Cotter, and East Gippsland Shire Council mayor, Cr Mendy Urie, caught up at the end of last Thursday’s networking night. Wendy was on of four councillors in attendance including Crs Arthur Allen, Tom Crook and deputy mayor, Cr Mark Reeves, along with other council staff who were keen to support the project and are looking forward to watching it develop further. K122-1917