Changes to the East Gippsland Planning Scheme approved by the Victorian Government and backed by East Gippsland Shire Council will reduce red tape for thousands of property owners across East Gippsland.
The Erosion Management Overlay (EMO) is a Victorian Government planning control used to protect areas prone to erosion by minimising land disturbance and inappropriate development.
When an EMO affects a property, a planning permit is likely required before building construction, earthworks or tree removal can occur.
The review of the EMO across East Gippsland will reduce the burden on landowners by ensuring it only applies to land where there is a real risk of erosion.
The review is informed by independent expert advice on erosion risk.
The Planning Scheme Amendment was prepared by the Department of Transport and Planning with support from council. The amendment was gazetted and took effect on August 1 2024.
Previously, an EMO was applied over a whole property, boundary to boundary and erosion risk may have only related to small areas of the land, such as gullies and steep slopes.
The revised mapping approach has removed areas of low erosion risk from the EMO and will allow straightforward development including houses, swimming pools and agricultural sheds in low-risk areas without the need for an erosion assessment and in many cases no planning permit will be required.
“Council is always seeking to create the conditions for a thriving community, a heathy environment and a prosperous economy,” Cr Crook said.
To find out what planning controls apply to an area of land, a free planning map can be viewed or downloaded via the Department of Transport and Planning website.