Over the course of a lifetime everyone will experience the grief of losing someone they love.
The pain we feel when our loved one passes over is very real and often hard to cope with.
It is final and there is nothing we can do about it other than move through the grief process and hope it gets easier with time.
So how do you deal with the grief of losing a loved one when they are still very much alive but their essence has been lost to Alzheimer’s Disease?
Vicki O’Connor has faced this very dilemma over the past six years watching her beloved Mum succumb to this horrible disease.
In an attempt to come to terms with her grief, Vicki was guided to write about the confusing and mind-bending experience of grieving a living, breathing person.
<ct:Italic>Untethered – Losing My Mum to Alzheimer’s<ct:> is the result of 18 months of writing trying to make sense of it all.
Vicki writes a very personal account of this weird grieving process and how it shows up in unexpected ways and paints a loving portrait of who her Mum used to be; now lost to the world.
<ct:Italic>Untethered – Losing My Mum to Alzheimer’s<ct:> is available at Schoolworks Supplies Bairnsdale.