The lamb market is holding steady at the moment, making it a good time to invest in quality rams.
At Ashley Park, Goon Nure, near Bairnsdale, the 25th sale will take place next week, with 36 Dorset rams, 17 White Suffolk rams, 12 Southdown rams at auction and 30 Border Leicesters for private selection.
The Kyle family have been in the sheep breeding industry for 40 years.
Selling agent Colin Jones, Wyndham Real Estate and Livestock, said the Ashley Park rams are “not overdone, as in overfat, they’re in good working order.”
“They can go straight to work out in the paddock.
“The genetics are definitely there.”
He said Ashley Park rams usually had a number of repeat buyers which meant the sale was well supported, with rams usually selling locally, to South Gippsland and at times interstate.
The Ashley Park ram sale, along the Bengworden Road, begins at 11am with inspections open from 10am on Tuesday, October 15.