Gavan and Judy Budge from Limousdale Limousin have been breeding limousin cattle since 1978 on their farms in Latrobe Valley.
Initially to use on their own commercial cattle as well as developing a stud of pure French limousin for a range of producers.
Today they are one of a few stud breeders with pure French limousin cattle. In addition, they have bred and selected for the best bull traits over 45 years. Most of their bull buyers come back each year fully satisfied with the performance of their pure French limousin bulls on their herd.
In years gone by, Limousins had a reputation of poor docility. Since 2000 rigorous selection and the use of Docility Estimated Breeding Values have resulted in the majority of limousin cattle having good temperament without sacrificing growth, weight, yield and calving ease.
In today’s cattle business, limousin cross breeds are an attractive profitable option for beef and dairy farming as limousin bulls give both growth and finish. Limousin is one of the most efficient breeds in converting grass to red meat.
We now know why.
More recently, the identification of the Super Beef Production myostatin gene variant, the F94L as being significantly present in the Limousin compared to other breeds of cattle was identified in research by Dr Wayne Prichard from the Adelaide University.
The pure bred limousin was found in the research to have 98.3 per cent frequency of two copies of the F94L gene. They were found to consume the same amount of feed as other animals but had carcases with 20 per cent decrease in fat while increasing prime cuts by 19 per cent. This variant is not associated with higher birth weights or calving difficulties, so does not present the risk of other myostatin variants.
The pure French limousin bull will give your business increased beef yield.
Contact Gavan from Limousdale Limousin to discuss or inspect bulls for sale.