In April, Orbost Neighbourhood House relocated to a new site at 7/144 Nicholson Street.
Since the move, the staff and volunteers have been diligently setting up the new premises and resuming their operations.
Melissa Healey, the manager, stated the main street frontage has been a positive move for raising awareness of the Orbost Neighbourhood House, noting a significant increase in class sizes and community engagement.
“The kids’ music class has doubled in size since the move, and we are seeing more people dropping in to say a friendly hello or seeking information about our services,” Ms Healey said.
Despite the positive feedback, the size and layout of the new premises have necessitated holding several classes off-site at local venues such as the Orbost Men’s Shed and the Snowy Growers Community Gardens. While this is not ideal, it has been well advertised and is functioning effectively.
Not only has the patronage increased, but there has also been a rise in the number of active volunteers. Although the group remains small and dynamic, the increase in volunteers is welcome.
Anyone interested in offering their services is encouraged to visit and discuss potential opportunities.
IMAGE: Orbost Neighbourhood House manager, Melissa Healey with volunteers, Sylvia, Deb, Lou, Tracey, Mary and administration staff member, Mahi. The centre relocated to a new site at 7/144 Nicholson Street, and since then the staff have been working to set up operations.