At the May meeting of Orbost Probus Club, the speaker was Josh Puglishi.
Josh is the local Landcare coordinator and had some very interesting topics to discuss with the group.
He grew up in Melbourne and had many holidays in Mallacoota so eventually he got a holiday job managing at Wingan Inlet.
This led to doing a degree in Natural Resources Management.
Probus club members heard about the use of wetlands to clean waters flowing into water-ways, for example at Wallagrah and at Nowa Nowa.
Then about the Jarrahmond Landcare and identifying insects and birds.
The third topic was about growing suitable plants as Green Fire Walls.
The June Probus meeting will see Neil Richards give an overview of all the Library and Service Centre have available for everyone to use.
IMAGE: Orbost Probus Club’s Ros Berns and guest speaker, Josh Puglisi. (PS)