Thefts and burglaries have become more prevalent across East Gippsland recently.
Home owners across the region have fears for their safety and their belongings following a spate of recent crimes.
Properties near Bairnsdale’s central business district and some housing estates have been targeted with local police urging residents to take all appropriate steps to avoid any damage.
“We have seen an increase in thefts of motor vehicles and burglaries in recent months – a lot of these offences typically are opportunistic with offender(s) targeting unlocked motor vehicles with car keys left inside them or unlocked houses to steal car keys (usually taking them if they’re kept near the front/rear door of the house),” Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Mathew Argentino said.
“We would encourage the community to ensure their motor vehicles and houses are secure particularly overnight.
“Some crime prevention strategies that can help aside from ensuring your personal property is locked and secure is the installation of CCTV footage, sensor lights and keeping personal valuables stored in your motor vehicle out of plain sight. Victoria Police has listed a number of strategies on their website that can assist in preventing home burglaries.
“We would encourage anyone who notices any suspicious behaviour or has information regarding recent thefts and burglaries to contact Crimestoppers or submit a confidential report online.”
Lock it Up
– Always lock doors and windows, even when you’re home.
– Install strong locks on all external doors and windows. Consider deadlocks and security screens.
– Secure garages, sheds, and outbuildings with strong locks.
Visibility Matters
– Trim trees and shrubs around your house to improve
– Install motion-activated security lights around your property.
– Consider installing security cameras, especially at entry points.
– Display security signs and stickers to deter potential burglars.
– Consider a home security system with alarms and monitoring.
Don’t Advertise Your Absence
– Stop mail and newspaper deliveries when you’re away.
– Use timers to turn
lights and appliances on and off to give the impression someone is home.
– Avoid posting about your vacation plans on social media.
Key Security
– Never hide keys under doormats, in flowerpots, or other obvious places.
– Leave a spare key with a trusted neighbour, not outside the property.
– Mark valuable items with your driver’s license number or other unique identifier.
– Keep valuables out of sight, preferably in a secure safe.
Neighbourhood Watch: Join your local Neighbourhood Watch program to connect with neighbours and share information about suspicious activity.
Report Suspicious Activity: If you see anything suspicious, report it to the police immediately.
Be Aware of Social Engineering: Don’t let strangers into your home unless you’re certain of their identity.
Maintain Your Property: A well-maintained property gives the impression that someone is home and cares about their surroundings.