As school students, their parents-cum-teachers, and their teachers endeavour to nestle into the routine of remote learning, Orbost Secondary College captains, Chloe Healey and James Russell, last week prepared the following messages for their fellow students.
“As school captains we would like to send out a message to you all in this very different and confusing time,” Chloe said.
“Firstly, as year 12s, we understand how some of you may be frustrated at having to complete schooling online, and how it can sometimes be very difficult.
“Try to use this time as a way for you to catch up and increase your understanding, rather than falling behind. Remember to check in with your friends to make sure everyone is travelling all right, and help those who may need it.
“Try to follow your school timetable as best you can, as your teachers will be mostly available to contact (via email) during your allocated class times if you have questions or need help.
“Remember to keep a routine like you would during a normal school week, (meaning no sneaky sleep ins) because this will be the best way to keep up with your school work as best you can and keep your brain and mind learning.
“Good luck to you all and keep being resilient.”
James also recommended using the time learning from home wisely.
“Term two has begun and online learning from home has commenced,” he said.
“Remote learning is a new experience for everyone and it will take us some time to get use to and hopefully develop a routine.
“Staff and teachers are available and will assist anyone who needs help or has any questions through emails, messages and phone calls. Don’t hesitate to contact a staff member or even one of your classmates if you are struggling.
“Being a year 12 myself, after only two days of remote learning, it has been quite a challenge. We are all in the same boat and just need to be resilient and persistent till the end.
“Resources to use that will be helpful are Compass for your timetable, lesson plans and tasks. Edrolo can be used for extra understanding of topics and practice exam questions for VCE students.”
The five main messages Chloe and James aim to get across to their fellow students are:
- If you can learn from home, you must learn from home.
- Teachers will be providing work for students via compass and in hard copies if required.
- Students should be following their regular timetable.
- Wellbeing supports are also available.
- If you need anything, or have any feedback, please contact the school.
IMAGE: Orbost Secondary College captains, Chloe Healey and James Russell (pictured with Isaac Thomson, of the Australian Defence Force, who presented them their badges earlier this year) have sent a message of support to their fellow students as they work through remote learning this term. (PS)