Orbost and District Chamber of Commerce project leader for the Future of Orbost project, Tim Cotter, has been busy engaging with members of the community, industry, education and government sectors over the past few weeks.
Mr Cotter has spent time in Bemm River, Cabbage Tree, Marlo, Orbost and Newmerella conducting interviews with more than 30 individuals and organisations as part of the first phase of the project known as the regional context analysis.
This phase is based around exploring the regions economic, social and environmental characteristics, building relationships, finding opportunities for collaboration, identifying innovation opportunities and understanding the regions potential for growth.
“I’ve been overwhelmed with the level of enthusiasm and energy from the individuals and organisations that I have met with to date,” he said.
Mr Cotter is pleased that from all corners of the region he has heard the entrepreneurial mindset of residents.
“Various initiatives have been discussed around agriculture, tourism, education, health and more and the opportunities for the region are very exciting,” he said.
The next stage of the project, according to Mr Cotter, will be “the bringing together of locals and experienced practitioners in the fields of innovation and community transition from the Latrobe Valley Authority, RMIT and the University of Melbourne for a series of entrepreneurial discovery workshops”.
“At these local workshops we will be exploring themes that have emerged through the various interviews held to date and testing the growth potential of identified opportunities with a diversity of regional stakeholders and relevant experts,” he said.
One of those experts in the field of innovation and the transition of economies, Professor Bruce Wilson, from RMIT University, was recently in the district as the start of a process of collaboration.
IMAGE: Professor Bruce Wilson (centre), of RMIT University, and Orbost Chamber of Commerce’s project leader, Tim Cotter, who is leading the Future of Orbost project, met with local farmer Chris Nixon to discuss potential options for innovation in the agricultural sector in the district.