On Sunday, August 1, Reverend Nathaniel Atem conducted his last service at St Andrew’s Uniting Church, Orbost, at 11am.
Nathaniel’s five-year term had concluded and he has accepted a call to Ararat/Lake Bolac in the Western district of Victoria.
The service on August 1 was a special one for two reasons. Firstly, Nathaniel baptised Sophie Louise Dooley, second child of Catherine and Glen Dooley. Secondly there were representatives present from the Presbytery of Gippsland, as well as other churches in Orbost.
The service concluded with a segment conducted by one of the Presbytery ministers to “Mark the Conclusion of a Placement.”
Following the service a farewell lunch was held where people were able to mingle and say their goodbyes.
IMAGE: Reverend Nathaniel Atem and his family are leaving Orbost after five years.